
How To Use Blog Post Template For Pages In Divi

How To Build A Beautiful Blog With Elementor And Astra In Under An Hour

Last updated on December 1, 2021 by Sujay Pawar

Struggling with how to find a blog theme that does exactly what you want it to do? There's so much choice out there that the term "needle in a haystack" really couldn't be more fitting.

Instead of wasting time trying to find a theme that's hard-coded to do exactly what you need, why not just use a flexible lightweight theme that lets you do exactly what you want? Without needing to know a single thing about code!

That's what the combination of Elementor and the Astra theme can offer for your blog. And in this post, you're going to learn exactly how you can use these two free tools to create an awesome blog in well under an hour.

  1. How This Dynamic Duo Helps You Build Your Blog
  2. Part 1: Building Your Blog's Foundation With Astra
    • Step 1: Install The Astra Theme + Starter Templates Plugin
    • Step 2: Import One Of The Starter Templates
    • Step 3: Tweak Your Blog With The WordPress Customizer
  3. Part 2: Customizing Your Core Pages With Elementor
  4. There's More With The Pro Versions Of Astra And Elementor
  5. Build Your Blog With Elementor And Astra!

How This Dynamic Duo Helps You Build Your Blog

We all know what a blog is and here's how you put together Astra and Elementor to build a great-looking, fully-customizable blog:

  • Astra theme – the Astra theme, and its free add-on Starter Templates plugin, acts as the flexible foundation for your blog and lets you quickly import templates and customize your blog using simple, code-free controls.
  • Elementor – this free page builder helps you design and customize your blog's core pages using simple, code-free drag-and-drop editing.

The only thing you'll need to get started is a fresh copy of WordPress – other than that these two tools take care of everything.

It's time to build your blog…

Part 1: Building Your Blog's Foundation With Astra

Astra is a great foundation for your blog for two main reasons:

  • It gives you a beginner-friendly way to customize your blog's design using the simple, code-free WordPress Customizer.
  • It's well-coded and super lightweight, so your blog will load fast and you won't encounter any bugs or issues.

Sujay Pawar

Hello! My name is Sujay and I'm CEO of Astra.

We're on a mission to help small businesses grow online with affordable software products and the education you need to succeed.

Leave a comment below if you want to join the conversation, or click here if you would like personal help or to engage with our team privately.

Step 1: Install The Astra Theme + Starter Templates Plugin

To build your blog's foundation, you'll need to install The Astra theme and its free companion Starter Templates plugin. Both extensions are listed at, so you can install them without leaving your WordPress dashboard:

  • Astra theme
  • Starter Templates plugin
Install Astra Theme
Install Starter Templates Plugin

Step 2: Import One Of The Starter Templates

After you've installed the Astra theme and Astra Starter templates plugin, you're ready to import your blog design!*

To do that, go to Appearance → Astra Options → Starter Templates in your WordPress dashboard.

Then, make sure to select the Elementor page builder option:

Select Elementor Page Builder

You'll then see all the possible starter templates you can import. Some templates – marked Premium – require Astra Essential Bundle or Growth Bundle. If you want to avoid seeing these, you can use the "Free" tab instead.

To quickly preview any template, just click on it:

Preview Starter Template

Once you find a design that you like (we're using the Coach starter site for this tutorial), click on it. Then, on the live preview, start the import process by clicking Import Site

Importing Starter Template

Once the process finishes, you can click the button again to view your site.

*You can always use the Customizer controls in the next section to design your blog from scratch – the Starter Templates just save you a lot of time and give you a great-looking design right away.

Step 3: Tweak Your Blog With The WordPress Customizer

Once you've imported your demo site, you're ready to really make your blog your own.

To do this, you can use the Astra theme's detailed Customizer controls. Without needing to know any code, these let you control:

  • The colors used on your blog
  • How your blog post layout looks
  • What fonts to use on your blog
  • Lots, lots more

You can learn more about the various Customizer controls in this help article .

To access the Customizer, go to Appearance → Customize in your WordPress dashboard.

This area is kind of like a sandbox – none of the changes you make are live until you hit Publish. So feel free to experiment and explore – you'll see a live preview as you make every change and you can't break anything!

Configure with Customizer

Some areas that are especially worth exploring are:

  • Colors & Background – this lets you control the colors of various parts of your blog.
  • Layout – this helps you control how your blog content looks, as well as other parts of your blog's layout.
  • Typography – this lets you control the font and font size for various parts of your blog.

If you want even more options, you can upgrade to Astra Pro for:

  • More detailed color and typography controls – these give you even more options for customizing your blog.
  • Extra header options – for example, you can create a cool sticky header for your blog.
  • More control over your blog layout – you can display your posts in a grid, control your author bio display, and lots of other helpful blog settings.

View a full list of Astra Pro features.

Part 2: Customizing Your Core Pages With Elementor

Astra helps you make all kinds of tweaks to your blog's style and design. But all of your blog's core pages – homepage, about, etc. – are built with the Elementor page builder.

To customize these pages, you can use the drag-and-drop Elementor interface. Just click the Edit with Elementor option when you're editing one of these pages:

Edit with Elementor

If you need some help using Elementor to edit your blog's pages, the Elementor 101 videos are a great place to start.

There's More With The Pro Versions Of Astra And Elementor

If you ever want more functionality, both Astra and Elementor have pro versions that offer extra functionality.

This functionality gives you even more control and flexibility when building your blog. For example, with Astra Pro you get:

  • Deeper control over blog layouts – among other features, you can set up a grid layout for your blog posts, which is especially helpful if you use eye-catching featured images.
  • Deeper color and typography options – get even more pinpoint control over your blog's colors and typography.
  • Sticky and transparent header – get more control over where your blog's navigation menu appears and how it functions.
  • Page Headers – create great-looking page title areas with breadcrumbs, meta fields, and other options.
  • Scroll to top link – improve your site's user experience by letting users quickly scroll back to the top.
  • White label – if you're building a blog for someone else, you can remove all Astra branding and replace it with your own.

And if you purchase Elementor Pro, you'll get helpful new widgets that let you display your blog posts as part of your Elementor designs, as well as lots of other helpful functionality:

Build Your Blog With Elementor And Astra!

Building a blog with Astra and Elementor gives you the power to completely customize your blog without having to know anything about code.

Using simple controls and drag-and-drop editing, you can build your perfect blog. And because Astra is optimized to load quickly, your blog won't just look great, it will perform great, too.

We can't wait to see what you come up with!

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About the Author

Sujay is CEO and Co-Founder of Brainstorm Force, the company behind Astra. He is a diehard entrepreneur, father of a daughter, and a YouTube addict. Get in touch with him on Twitter @sujaypawar.

Sharing is Caring!


  1. Pingback: How To Choose A WordPress Theme in 2018: The Definitive Checklist

  2. Pingback: How To Choose A Best WordPress Theme : The Definitive Checklist

  3. Past Paper Profile Pic

    Thanks for sharing useful information. Great valuable article. Kindly tell me one thing how could a word flash continuosly in elementor??

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      You're welcome! 🙂

      Are you looking forward to implementing something shown on the demo page here

      If so, this can be done using the Fancy Heading widget of the Ultimate Addons for Elementor. You can take a look at the video tutorial we have for you.

  4. Marvin Profile Pic

    Having issue importing site; It has been running for about 10 hours, that cannot be normal. Any ideas on issue?

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      Hey Marvin,

      Sorry for the inconvenience caused!

      Looks like it was a temporary issue and we've already fixed that. However, if you still aren't able to access these sites at your end, please open up a ticket at our support center, so that we can take a look and help.

  5. Laura Profile Pic

    Hi, I've been trying to figure this one out on my own, but it's just not working for me:( I'm using Elementor with Astra Theme; I imported the Outdoor Adventure Site and for some reason just cannot build a Blog Page.
    (I can't edit it in Elementor, and when I go to "Costumize", I can't add more Blogs or costumize the blog section. )

    Also I'm afraid of losing what I've already built.

    Where can I find more specifics on this?

    Thank you in advance!

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      Hello Laura,

      That's strange!

      Could you please open a ticket, so that we can take a closer look to see what is happening and help you get things working for you?

    2. Bethany Profile Pic

      This same thing happened to me and I did lose all my work ? did you figure it out? I'm about to start over. Also, we're you using the free version of elementor?

      1. Support Team Profile Pic

        Hello Bethany,

        Could you please open up a ticket at our support center and elaborate on what's happening? We'd love to take a look and help. 🙂

  6. Alex Profile Pic

    The video appears to require Elementor Pro to drag the posts into the page. Is that right? How can I have a blog page with the free version?

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      Hello Alex,

      Yes, Elementor Pro has the Post widget that allows you to fetch posts on a page. However, if you want a more advanced a creative Post widget, you can opt for the one in the Ultimate Addons for Elementor. You can read more about this widget in our article here.

      1. Tom Low Profile Pic

        Hi Support Team. I have the same question as Alex. How can we have blog pages with the free version? (Ultimate Addons isn't free)

        1. Support Team Profile Pic

          Hello Tom,

          The Posts widget is not available in free Elementor.

  7. Markus Profile Pic

    Hi Elvina,

    Can you help me build some sites with Elementor.

    Thank you

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      Hey Markus!

      I am sorry, but we do not take custom website development. However, we do have Starter templates – i.e. ready to use complete website demos that you can take a look at. These can be imported, tweaked and used to build a website. If you do not find the website you are working on, you can suggest a topic and we'll align that for the future.

  8. Edgar Profile Pic

    Hello I have imported the Astra Pro Yoga Instructor theme, but when trying to edit the blog template, it does not work, I lost everything after adding the blog to "Writing Settings", I realized later that I should not have done that but once I removed it it did not work for me and I have not been able to restore the blog template and I'm afraid to lose everything I've already done. Can you help me? Is there a way to restore it? I use Elementor free and I do not see any blog / post widget, I also use Astra Pro.

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      You can disable the post page from Settings -> Reading once again ( so that the design from that page can once again be edited.

  9. Kashele Profile Pic

    Hello! I'm loving this theme! I am using the "Outdoor Adventure" starter site with Elementor, and I'm having trouble modifying my blog archive page. Is there a way to reset that page to the starter site without losing all my blog posts? Whatever page is set as the "Posts Page" in Settings->Reading won't open in Elementor, and has no header image. Any suggestions? Thank you!

    1. Support Team Profile Pic


      If you haven't yet done so, could you please open a ticket at our support center, so that we can take a look and help?

  10. Claudia Iconaru Profile Pic

    Hi, Laura! Astra with Elementor was recommended to me for avoiding bloating theme issues built with visual composer/bakery. However i cannot make a beautiful fashion magazine layout with dynamic posts list just with elementor pro. I saw a tutorial recommending jet blog plugin but even that doesn't offer the visuals i am used to. And again I have to make a decision between good code and looks/feel. Are you planning to release a fashion magazine layout with elementor with the pro/agency pack any time soon? Thank you very much!

  11. Lizelle Profile Pic


    Can I do use this on a current blog with blogs dating back to over two years? Should I change theme etc will all my blogs still there while editing?

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      Hey Lizelle,

      These steps help you import a ready-to-use complete website demo. It is recommended that you do this on a fresh WordPress installation.

  12. rivaansh Profile Pic

    Thank you so much for this article.This article presents clear idea designed for the new people of blogging.

  13. Jim Juris Profile Pic

    WOW! Thank you for the wonderful video on adding a blog widget. It was just what I was looking for.

    Everything in the blog video was perfectly explained and extremely helpful.

    Thank you.

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      You're welcome Jim! 🙂

  14. Francine Weagle Profile Pic

    It's a beautiful theme, but my posts never post to the blog. Any post I make creates a new "post" category. No one and no article has explained why this is happening. All WordPress can tell me is that it is an issue with the Astra theme. I guess, I will not be using this theme anymore.

    1. Sujay Pawar Profile Pic

      Strange. And I'm pretty sure it is not an issue caused by the Astra theme as it's used by over 500,000 users without this problem. If you would like, please lodge a support ticket and provide us access to your backend. We will be happy to take a closer look and help 🙂

  15. Kristian Profile Pic

    I don't even have a Posts widget, what gives?
    Is the video the pro version?

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      Hello Kristian,

      The Posts widget you see is added using the Elementor Pro widget of the Elementor page builder.

      Yes, the video is made with Elementor Pro installed on the website.

  16. Heywood Profile Pic

    Is it possible to write blog posts using the free (Elementor) version?

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      Hello Heywood!

      Yes, you can create blog posts with Elementor as a page builder to help you design posts or you can use default Gutenberg Editor of WordPress if required.

      Free Elementor could be all you need. 🙂

  17. Bethany Profile Pic

    Correct me if I'm wrong. But, I can only build the home page via Elementor Free and nothing more. Therefore, I can not launch a blog or creat a blog unless I purchase elementor pro?

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      Hello Bethany,

      No, that isn't right! 🙂

      You can use free Elementor to build an entire website including the pages and blog posts on it.

      1. Agaba Farouk Profile Pic

        Hell Astra!! Which free Astra starter sites have a pre built blog template in them?

        1. Support Team Profile Pic


          Currently, there is just one that has a blog designed. It is the Fashion and Lifestyle Blog Template.

          However, all the templates are 100% customizable and each one can have a blog designed easily for free.

          1. Sara Neal Profile Pic

            I'm using the Fashion and Lifestyle Blog Template, I have Elementor and Elementor Add Ons. I was able to edit the Home and Contact pages just fine with Elementor, but when I try to customize the actual blog page, it doesn't allow me to edit anything and the "Edit with Elementor" button doesn't appear in the top bar. The little blue circle with the white pen appear only over the header, footer, menu, and socials. It's not letting me edit the colors shown or images. Please help! Thank you!

          2. Support Team Profile Pic

            Hello Sara,

            The Blog page of Fashion Lifestyle is built using the default Gutenberg editor.

            You will simply need to edit the blog using the Edit page option and you will be able to make the required changes.

            I hope that helps.

  18. Nico Profile Pic

    Looking at the starter templates only one non-Agency template has a blog designed. Is that correct??

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      Hello Nico,

      Great observation! 🙂

      There are actually two Free starter sites that have a blog in them.

      All the starter templates that we offer are 100% customizable and you can modify them as you want. We've designed starter sites thoughtfully depending on the things that niche might need. But, like I said you can definite add and design a blog on all the free starter sites using Gutenberg and Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg.

      Please feel free to get in touch if you need help with anything.

      1. Nico Profile Pic

        OK, so you don't get any more templates for going Pro, only Agency (which is way beyond what I need)?

  19. Rishab Profile Pic

    I want to write blogs on agriculture, horticulture,livestock and current affairs relating above mentioned topics..
    Which template will be best suited for my site ??

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      Hello Rishab,

      You can start with the Organic Store Starter Templates and update the same as required.

      Do reach out to us through our Support Portal if you need any further help.

  20. Alhaji Barrie Profile Pic

    Hello, can I use a custom template form my Blog Single post page?

  21. Favour Profile Pic

    Hi astra, pls I'm not able to customize my blog post with elementor free with the astra theme, what can I please do. Thanks.

  22. Heather Profile Pic

    Thank you for the informative article! After reading through the comments, I'm confused. If I were to pick the Outdoor Adventure or Mountain theme, would I be able to do a blog without needing to purchase a plugin? Would I be able to add a blog for free? My second question is, can I use the word "articles" instead of "blog" on my website? Thanks!

  23. Prasenjit Basu Profile Pic

    I am using Astra and Elementor for my website. It is supposed to be a Blog website but I can't build a perfect HomePage with those as they ask for Elementor Pro.
    Can you help men out so I can make a drool-worthy homepage with the two that you have mentioned in the post?

  24. Dray Web Services Profile Pic

    I found this blog very informative.

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      Glad to hear that! 🙂

  25. Fitness health forever Profile Pic

    Thanks for this wonderful and knowledgeable post, looking good thanks for sharing with us.

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      Glad you found it useful! 🙂

  26. Jeff Smith Profile Pic

    Very good well-described post to make a blog on WordPress. You described it in a unique way. I started my blog on wp and I got so much help from this.

  27. Lynn Creger Profile Pic

    Wow! Thanks for sharing this informative article. After reading this article, I know now how to build a beautiful blog using Elementor and Astra. Good work and keep it up!

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      Hello Lynn,

      So glad to hear that you found this article helpful. We really appreciate your thoughts! 🙂

  28. Steve Profile Pic

    This doesn't work on the core blog page. The page we assigned as the "blog" is not editable with Elementor. The only control we have is by using Astra. To get a custom blog page you have to create a new page, make sure it is not assigned in the settings as the "blog" page. Then you can use Elementor to get the layout you want.

    The main blog (assigned in the settings>reading) is not customizable by Elementor. You are stuck using the "customizer" with Astra. It is still pretty nice looking but not very customizable.

  29. lokesh umak Profile Pic

    Hi Sujay,

    I have recently purchased Astra Pro and I can't create my literary blog home page with Elementor (blog pro feature does not appear). However, I can do it with Gutenberg. Could you please advise me on this?

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      Hello Lokesh,

      The Blog Por is an addon feature for the Astra theme. It wouldn't be accessible on the Elenentor pages.

      I hope that clarifies. 🙂 Please feel free to open a support ticket if you need any help.

  30. AMIT SAHA Profile Pic

    Hello sir I'm using Astra on my business plan but unable to add Social links. Please help me out regarding my website.

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      Hello Amit,

      If you are using the latest Astra theme, you should be able to add Social Icons using our Social Icons elements.

      I hope that helps. 🙂

  31. Charlotte Carpenter Profile Pic

    Hello, I am completely new to this (and completely confused!) I am using the Astra theme and Elementor (free). I wish to create a home page (like a welcome-static?- page) which you click on to get to my blog page. Why do I need to use the customizer in Astra at all when I can edit the imported starter template of my choice (I chose the outdoor one) using Elementor? I'm failing to see the point of using two different customisation menus- what am I missing? Once I've imported the starter template, it 'lays' over my original heading (the one sent by WordPress when I signed up), which I can't seem to get rid of. I am sure this is all very simple, but I'm just not getting it!
    Thanks 🙂

  32. Varun Profile Pic

    This is awesome but I want to build a magazine site with astra. I choose it because of its speed.
    But I am unable to add categories post in homepage nor a content slider.
    And this aldo very difficult to show my posts beautiful.
    So, I want you to help so this will give message to other bloggers that this is also best for content and magazine bloggers.

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      Hello Varun, the Theme will help you style and design the overall aesthetics of the website. While for the other functionality like Sliders, etc. you will require third-party plugins.

  33. M.A Profile Pic

    Hi, please i can't customize with the Astra theme. I recently tried to customize and make a few changes and nothing i click on seems to work. I click on the menu in the customize feed and its static with no response.

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      Please try updating to the Astra theme v3.6.5 or above and see if it helps. We released a compatibility update with WordPress v5.8 and Astra in 3.6.5. Feel free to reach out through our Support Portal if you have any further queries.

  34. Syed Profile Pic

    i have existing website with lot of content, i wish to move to ASTRA theme, is there any way to structure existing site without the demo layout which will overwrite my existing content?

    1. Support Team Profile Pic

      Hello Syed, this article should be helpful for switching to the Astra theme. Do give it a try on your local or staging environment.

      Feel free to reach out to us through our Support Portal if you are looking for some help.

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How To Use Blog Post Template For Pages In Divi


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