
Will The 37mm Series 1 Vivatar Len Cover Fit My Olympus Micro 4/3 Camera?

You may be thinking, "What a boring subject for an article," and you would exist right. However, equally boring equally the interface between your camera and lens might be, the significance of your camera's specific mountain, along with which lenses tin be used on your photographic camera, which lenses can be adjusted to your camera, and why some lenses work and others practice non, can prove to be a more interesting subject field that may fifty-fifty inform which photographic camera or lens arrangement you eventually buy.

What Does a Lens Mount Exercise?

A lens mount is a standard or proprietary interface used by photographic camera and lens manufacturers to ensure a secure and authentic means for attaching a lens to a camera body. Each camera system nowadays uses its own unique mount that limits compatibility between lenses and other manufacturers' cameras, and besides enables electronic communication betwixt the lens and camera to achieve accurate focus and exposure.

Left to right: Canon EF, Nikon F, and Sony E bayonet-style lens mounts

Most lens mounts in electric current use are bayonet style, in which a lens is attached to the camera body by registering the lens in proper orientation with the camera body, then giving a slight twist of near 45-90° to lock the lens in identify. Prior to the bayonet mount, a couple of other mounting styles were normally used, namely thread and breech-lock mounts. Thread mounts, or screw mounts, are self-referential and depict the action of threading your lens onto the camera body, much in the aforementioned style you thread a nut onto a bolt. Breech-lock mounts are more than closely related to bayonet mounts; withal, they use a self-contained rotating ring on the lens itself to tighten the lens onto the camera body with friction.

Bayonet mounts are the most favored of these 3 mounting types, due to the ease and speed of installing and removing lenses from camera bodies, the ability to comprise electronic contacts using this attachment method, and the repeatable precision afforded past a simpler design.

Left to right: Breech-lock mount on a Mamiya RB lens and an M39 screw mount on a Leica lens

What's in a Lens Mount?

Besides connecting a lens to a camera and sporting a certain design style, lens mounts also have a number of distinctions from manufacturer to manufacturer. Size is the main differentiator between the various mounts, and is a slightly more than circuitous measurement than y'all may imagine. The number of tabs in a specific bayonet tin vary from one manufacturer to another (although nigh use three tabs), the direction in which you rotate the lens to connect with the photographic camera body varies amid brands, and the incorporation of electronic contacts will also exist unique to the camera and lens manufacturer. Furthermore, each mountain corresponds, arguably, to the nearly important element of this article, a specific flange focal distance (FFD). This measurement, which describes the length from the mounting flange (the border of the lens mount on the camera trunk) to the image sensor or film plane, varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, and is i of the true limiters of the interchangeability of lenses with specific cameras.

Left to correct: Canon FD breech-lock mountain and a Mamiya 7 bayonet mount

The flange focal altitude of each camera arrangement is factored into subsequent lens designs, and is a abiding length used by each manufacturer to ensure accurate focus from a specific lens'southward minimum focusing altitude to infinity. Using a lens with a specific FFD on a camera system with a shorter flange altitude, you will not exist able to achieve infinity focus. This distinction is the key element in which lenses can be used on camera systems other than the original i the lens was designed for, via a lens adapter.

Current Lens Mounts Popular Historic Lens Mounts
Lens Mount Flange Focal
Mount Type Lens Mountain Flange Focal
Mount Blazon
Nikon Z 16.0mm Bayonet Pentax Q ix.2mm Bayonet
Nikon i 17.0mm Bayonet Samsung NX 25.5mm Bayonet
FUJIFILM X 17.7mm Bayonet M39 (26tpi) 28.8mm Spiral
Canon EF-M 18.0mm Bayonet Contax M 29.0mm Bayonet
Sony E xviii.0mm Bayonet Nikon S 34.85mm Bayonet
Hasselblad X 18.14mm Bayonet Four Thirds 38.67mm Bayonet
Micro 4 Thirds xix.25mm Bayonet Canon FD 42.0mm Bayonet or breech-lock
Leica Fifty xx.0mm Bayonet Minolta SR 43.5mm Bayonet
Catechism RF xx.0mm Bayonet Exakta 44.7mm Bayonet
FUJIFILM G 26.7mm Bayonet M42 (x1) 45.46mm Screw
Leica Yard 27.8mm Bayonet Contax C/Y 45.5mm Bayonet
Canon EF 44.0mm Bayonet DKL 45.7mm Bayonet
Sigma SA 44.0mm Bayonet Olympus OM 46.0mm Bayonet
Minolta/Sony A 44.5mm Bayonet Leica R 64.0mm Bayonet
Pentax K 45.46mm Bayonet Contax 645 64.0mm Bayonet
Nikon F 46.5mm Bayonet Bronica ETRS 69.0mm Bayonet
Leica Due south l.0mm Bayonet Pentacon Six/Exakta 66 74.1mm Breech-lock
ARRI PL 52.0mm Breech-lock (cine) Hasselblad V 74.9mm Bayonet
T Mount 55.0mm Screw (M42 x 0.75) Pentax vi x 7 84.95mm Bayonet
Hasselblad H 61.63mm Bayonet Bronica SQ 85.0mm Bayonet
Mamiya 645 63.3mm Bayonet Mamiya RZ67 108.0mm Bayonet
Pentax 645 70.87mm Bayonet Mamiya RB67 111.0mm Bayonet or breech-lock

Lens Adapters

Spurred by the somewhat recent appearance of mirrorless photographic camera systems, a renewed interest in the power to utilise a wide assortment of third-political party lenses has also occurred. Due to the cocky-referential design of these cameras, the lack of having a mirror in a camera body design affords, also a more compact overall design, a shorter FFD. By having this shorter registration distance, y'all can theoretically mount whatsoever lens with a longer FFD on a camera with shorter FFD through the use of a lens adapter.

The lens adapter finer serves to make upwardly the difference in focal flange distance between the camera and lens—for example, a Nikon F lens to Sony E adapter makes upwards the deviation of 28.5mm to provide the proper total 46.5mm of focal flange distance for a Nikon F-mountain lens to achieve infinity focus. While this is the ideal situation, to mountain lenses with a longer FFD on cameras with a shorter FFD, adapters practise exist that allow you to physically adhere lenses with shorter FFD measurements to camera bodies with a longer FFD. The caveat with these adapters is that yous will not exist able to achieve infinity focus without the inclusion of a cosmetic chemical element in the adapter itself, and it is unlikely the quality of this corrective element will match the quality of the lens beingness mounted. However, without the corrective lens in place, this combination will afford the ability to work at focusing distances less than infinity, since the lens adapter is at present performance as an extension tube.

Acme left to bottom right: Metabones Speed Booster for Canon EF to Sony E, Metabones Nikon F to Sony East adapter, Fotodiox Nikon F to Catechism EF adapter with Dandelion Focus Scrap, and Fotodiox M39 to Leica M adapter

With this bones concept in mind, lens adapters can also be essentially more sophisticated and maintain electronic advice betwixt the adapted lens and trunk through the use of dandelion chips, with some adapters even capable of retaining a lens's autofocus and prototype-stabilization capabilities. On the other hand, completely manual adapters will non convey whatsoever information between the photographic camera and adapted lens, forcing y'all to manually focus and adjust the aperture settings on a lens, and piece of work in manual or discontinuity-priority fashion on the camera.

One additional blazon of adapter that has gained tremendous attention over the past few years is a style designed exclusively for APS-C and smaller format mirrorless cameras, virtually commonly Sony E, Fujifilm X, and Micro Four Thirds systems, that has been popularized by Metabones and Mitakon Zhongyi. With the exception of Sony Eastward-mount at present beingness featured on full-frame cameras, these mounts typically represent to crop-sensor sizes and, equally such, are associated with terms like "ingather cistron" and "equivalent focal length." This batch of lens adapters strives to make these terms somewhat moot past incorporating a condensing lens into their design to minimize, or in some cases eliminate, the crop factor and increase the corporeality of light reaching the sensor. This is accomplished by projecting all of the light gathered by the lens onto the epitome sensor, rather than simply simply losing the light that would typically be cropped out by the smaller sensor dimensions.


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